Tools for Food: The stories behind objects that influence how and what we eat
By Corinne Mynatt
Designed by: A Practice for Everyday Life
Hardie Grant - UK/USA/AUS/NZ, 2021

Published in Japanese and Italian, 2022 

Tools for Food traces the development of design and culture in the context of food, telling the stories behind objects that influence how and what we eat. A visual and informative journey, the book uncovers intriguing kitchen objects from cultures around the world, their evolution from necessity to specialised tool. It asks how and what we eat has changed as a result of developments in design, bringing together a collection of objects that have elevated what was once a basic need into a celebrated social ritual.

In 2022 Tools for Food was shortlisted by the UK Guild of Food Writers Award amongst two other books for the Food Book category. Press coverage and features include The Guardian, Wallpaper*, Die Presse, KCRW Good Food Programme, Milk Street Radio, Monocle Radio, ICON Magazine,, and Design Week. 

Please support your local bookshop when purchasing the book.

Follow @tools_for_food for continued research. 

Book press shots: Ed Park

Book photography: Corinne Mynatt